Friday, July 24, 2009

first lady...elaine: pt. 2

-Here's the finished version of the picture from my last post. The lessons I learned from this one are that drawing old people is quite tricky, and painting around tiny stars is very annoying.
-Monday's post might end up being pretty bad because my sister's coming home from camp for the weekend, and I want to hang out with her a lot. She's been gone for a month, and I really miss her so much. I've started bothering my parents by making them play this morbid/odd game I made up called "How Much Do You Miss Goody on a scale of 1-10?". On the scale, a 1 means you miss her like she's in a different room in our house, whereas a 10 means you miss her like she's dead. I'm usually operating at an 8-- which I think equates to missing her like she's in prison and visitation is really inconvenient.


  1. Jodi,

    I miss Goody a level 8, but my scale runs from 1 to 9.


  2. Is that because the "like she's dead" part of 10 is just too unseemly for you? If so, from now on, for you, 10 can represent "missing goody as much as you miss heath ledger"--because i know you're feeling that loss 24/7.

  3. I'm sure you miss Heath Ledger even more not that Goody has that special USB cable.

