Friday, December 4, 2009


-Here are some of the linocut prints based on Monday's sketch. The top one might be done, but I'm making 6 of them-- and they're all in various stages of completion.
Linocut printing has left me with many hand-wounds which look kind of neat and give me the chance to play entertaining games of "is this red ink or blood on my hands?"
-Then, here are some photos I took when I was in Florida. It's kind of cheating since they're not recent, but I definitely do want to take photos and start using my darkroom at home again during winter break, so I guess you can expect some of that eventually.
-Sorry in advance if my posts start getting pretty meager. I've really screwed up, and things are pretty sad right now. Plus, this is going to be a library-weekend, so I can't envision myself making something I really like for a bit.
-On a happy note, Allen Iverson is back with the Sixers! Some things work out!


  1. The Linocuts are great! Of course, I would say that, cause I'm your dad.

  2. Like your linoCuts;
    Big SURPRISE, Very funny, rough, coarse images. Faces come popping out - some sort of life forms. So where do they come from? Intentional,or just happen as a result of they you did the abstraction - a bonus! (There is also the subconscious,memory, dream and the mythic.) Good color. And of course, I love them - same reason as your dad.

  3. thanks!
    the faces are somewhat intentional, but a lot of how the prints turned out is pretty accidental. i made a lot of little mistakes (missing registration marks when layering, not being super neat about carving away old layers), but i think it looks ok.
    -i'll be making a lot more of these kind of indigenous-art inspired prints with hidden faces over the next week or so.
